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That is a question I am often asked when I try to explain my career as a freelance model. I have begun to dread being asked "what do you do?". I always answer that question in the same way I say very calmly that I am a free lance model and don't offer an explanation because I don't feel the need. Curiosity usually overcomes the person inquiring about my job which I completely understand after all it is not something people hear of very often. I explain that I am not with an agency and I do all my own marketing and bookings and pay for my own travel etc.. As they ponder that they usually say something along the lines of "what magazine can I find you in?" or some other question implying I am in the main stream marketing media somewhere. Then I explain I don't model for clothes in major campaigns or magazines but instead I shoot mostly for artists and hobbyists. I tell them how I don't want an agency because I don't want to conform to what they want me to be, I want to dictate my own life and my own appearance.  After I state that 9 times out of 10 people ask "..so then whats the point?" Then I explain I love the art. I tell them how I also do photography and I love the human form and I like to shoot nudes. Most people are shocked. Shocked that I could love art more than fame. Shocked that I don't want to be on a billboard in Times Square but rather a small art gallery or coffee table book. They judge the nudity aspect and tell me "you are worth more than that" like I am doing something horrible. Like my art is horrible. Like I should feel ashamed.  It makes me pretty mad but honestly it makes me extremely sad for them that they are so closed minded and so into what society feeds them and they probably don't even know it. 


Kyle Delaney

"You are worth more than that." "Okay, how much should I charge?" This idea that only worthless people should show off their bodies while worthwhile people should hide their bodies away... it is so myopic, insulting, and depraved


Thanks Jin! xoxo