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A week ago I flew into San Jose California and immediately hopped in a rental car and drove almost 4 hours south to the legendary Madonna Inn! When I arrived I was greeted by a dozen beautiful creative models, it was a dream! Over the next few days we photographed each other for hours on end, ate amazing pink champagne cake, swapped traveling stories and laughed like crazy. 

I needed that experience so badly. I needed to recharge and become inspired again. As much as I love creating beautiful art from both sides of the camera it can be exhausting. The shoots you guys see here are not the shoots that pay my bills, they are my outlet. The shoots that pay the bills I don't get to enjoy most of the time, I am told what to do and how to look and get no creative input most of the time. The shoots I share with you are the ones I am allowed to really collaborate on. Those are the shoots that keep the fire in me burning and I wouldn't be able to do them without your support, thank you so much.  

The rest of the week was spent juggling family time and paid work in the Bay Area. I am from there so I love going back as often as I can to visit all my friends and family I miss it so much! I usually can't justify a trip there without booking some gigs but then at the end of the trip I am so exhausted it's not even funny. And today, on top of that crazy exhaustion I had a 6am flight this morning from the Bay Area to Oklahoma. I have some shoots here over the next few days then I get to go home to Phoenix for the holidays! I am so excited to spend a few weeks at home and recharge I am feeling pretty run down lately. Well I am off to do a little editing before bed because I can't stop thinking about the amazing content that was created at the Madonna Inn and I can't wait to share it with you! 


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