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Our enterprising super villain has come up with a new scheme for our unforunate hero...

Bit of a left field alt here, but the heftiness of that belly was begging to have 'slosh' written next to it and I had to go back and draw it. 

The hypno dialogue:

You feel so comfortable and obedient

falling deeper and deeper into hypnoisis

It's wonderful to be a big juicy hippo

you love the idea of being heavy and full

and your beautiful hippo body feels so good

doesn't it feel so easy to let yourself slip

full with sweetmindset of a happy, lazy hippo

no more hero thoughts just a sleepy hungry

hippo brain that you love to easy for you

such an obedietn hippo for me now and ready

sloshy and chunky such a big hippo hipp

don't resist your new hippo urgers

you love being a big chubby hippo don't you?




not quite some goopy material alts but still cute and soft!


I keep saying i'm gonna do something rubbery/goopy and never getting around to it, i'm sorry... I will make a goopy belly alt for this hippo