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Hey everyone - thanks for voting in the festive poll! Sweater Puppy won and i figured i'd try a short sequence with smooth shading. I've whipped up a super ruff sketch below (stay tuned Deer Friends for a full rough sketch soon!)

In terms of alts, i'm thinking: chubby, torn clothes (sweaty puppy also?), horny, maybe a different species? Maybe getting a dick in there? Let me know your thoughts and suggestions!



So... yes, reality change. I've said it again but I thought it wouldn't hurt to develop the idea further? Something like she's struggling to comprehend in the final panel as she's in some anthropomorphic Holiday party, a strong, male husky larger than her pressing up against her, distracting her as the mind adjusts. Maybe some mistletoe above them. Probably too much of suggestion but I love giving ideas.

Grant Nordin

I’m surprised there is no ugly Christmas sweater alt in here. Maybe combo it with a chubby nerd tf.


Sheep TF because the sweater's made of wool?


I'll see how I handle the shading on the sweater, if it's easy to modify the pattern to make it real nerdy (maybe have a pop culture pattern or something...) then this could work out well! Poof some thick frame glasses on there, maybe some braces...


Adding a husky guy might be a bit beyond, buuuut some misteltoe above and some offscreen dialogue might sell it?