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Hey everyone, on this update we've got poll talk, commission talk, and end of holiday pics. Should be a good time :) 

Art Stuff 

August is coming up, and that means it's time for another Poll! We're back in business, and i'd love to hear some ideas from yourselves. Here's where i'm at currently:

  • Hogweed - lady to piggie via strange weed
  • Mirage from Alladin turns Jasmine into a chonky kitty (inspired by this)
  • ???

We're getting back on the wagon this month, so i'm really keen to hear some suggestions!

Speaking of getting back to work - you've hopefully seen that i've opened commissions until the 25th. I've added a two character option, and hopefully will see some really cool requests - though no pressure everyone, i feel weirdly guilty opening comms to people already supporting me... (please do share to others who might be interested if you like 😊)

I've not been working on any art since the holiday finished so there's no WIPs this time, sorry! Poured some effort into my website though, which has been nice.

Life Stuff

My boyfriend flew home on thursday and i'm slipping back into normality now. We had a great month together, and here's a couple pics of what we got up to in the last two weeks.

We had a quick daytrip to London and visited The British Museum - plenty of good animal stuff in there! Here's a Greek vase with a centaur on, an old statuette of Sekhmet and some golden deer: 

So much potential for cursed objects ;p  Also, there was genuinely loads of Sekhmet in the Museum. She's a popular kitty:

We've also had a couple of really tasty meals. Here's some Fish and Chips from a restaurant near me, and some of the Bottomless Menu at Sushimania:

But yeah, he's gone home now and it's just under 70 days till I get to fly back out to Nevada and enjoy some more sushi. In the meantime at least I have this super cute drawing to stare longingly at:

Anyways, thanks for making it to the end of a not-super-arty update! If you have any poll ideas please leave them in the comments, and i'll be back in a week with that August Poll. 

Thanks also for sticking with me through this weird month, your support means a lot and I promise we won't have this much disruption until next June <3


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