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Hey everyone, on this update i've got a couple of art WIPs and a bunch of holiday photos to share!

Art Stuff

I've managed to find time for art during this holiday, and have been making decent process on a couple of things! First up, Elephant Peach:

Super hyped to get the smooth shading done on this one - and i'm planning a few alts too :) (NOTE: I originally wrote this blog on Friday morning. I managed to get her fully shaded on Friday but figured you might be interested in the WIP still!)

I've also been working on that bear TF:

I've really been struggling to get motivated for this one, and I don't know why - i've even scaled it down to just two panels. Will potentially continue it, we'll see!

Life Stuff

I'm now halfway through my BF's visit, and we've been busy! Lots of travelling around, i'm exhausted. But we've seen some great sights - like Paris (pictured: the Trocadero)

And we stayed up in Northumbria for a couple days and visited Edinburgh during Royal Week:

We also visited Alnwick Castle, my BF's first Castle Experience:

And we popped over to the ancient Roman fort of Vindolanda while some archaeologists were doing a dig!

Despite being completely exhausting (i've driven 800 miles this week alone) this has been a super fun holiday so far. I'm looking forward to the last two weeks being more chill - i'm actually back at work for four days next week, bleh.

Anyways, i'm gonna get back to Elephant Peach! Thanks as always for your support, even through this weird month :) Have a lovely weekend and i'll be back in a few days with early access to Peach!


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