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Hi everyone, on this update we've got a much more positive vibe! The monthly art is on the home stretch and i've even picked up the penultimate commission :) Also, i'll be asking for poll ideas and trying not to pick up my Switch...

Art Stuff

First up, poll ideas for June. Because my BF is arriving on the 21st of June (less than two Updates away!!!) i wanna make sure I can get the art done in time so i'm thinking a single proper airbrushed pinup, with plenty of good alts. In terms of current ideas... i'll take some themes from my recent FA favourites: 

  • Big tiddy cow lady
  • Cute micro mouse gal
  • Some sock-tearing paw goodness
  • Maybe fantasy gas that TFs/WGs someone

If you can think of something you'd like to see that fits one of these vibes, i'd love to stick it on the poll :) 

Okay, art updates! So, i've got two alts done for the monthly art, the Demi TF and FtM TG:

Gonna try and get another couple done each day and then we should have all the alts done before the end of the month :) 

Meanwhile, i've picked up the Indiana Jones cow TG (uploaded the sketch yesterday) and tentative moves have been made on the lineart:

But yeah, that's where art's at - if only I could stop playing Zelda.

Life Stuff

So I got Tears of the Kingdom the day after launch and i've sunk 40+ hours into it already😐  It's really really fun - but I can't help but wonder what art I could've achieved with those 40 hours. I'm a workaholic I guess. 

Thankfully when i'm doing that work I can enjoy sitting in my new office chair - my first business purchase for this financial year. The mesh is much more comfy than the now-kinda-flat cushion on my old one:

And the good weather has meant some lovely evening walks around my local area. I'm very proud of this photo here:

I even spotted some deer tracks in the mud path, lovely :)

Anyways, I better get back to the drawing tablet. Thanks for reading, thank you for any poll suggestions and as always thank you for your support! I've really appreciated the kind words through my latest rough patch <3 

Have a good weekend (long weekend for Brits and Americans at least!) and i'll be back soon with Ammit Alts :) 


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