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Heya, thanks to everyone that voted in the monthly poll! By a single vote, Ammit beat out the Cowtaur (sorry Pheagle, i'm progressing on the cute pinup though and i'm planning a couple alts for that!)

So yeah, this is gonna be a longer sequence again - I think i'll stick with the watercolour style I used last month if that's okay. Currently planned alts: Nudey, Chubbier... mental changes? FTM TG?  any others that you think would be good?



Narysa Castillo

This is definitely winning the game ;)


Ideas. living toy version? Plush? And as always,, Gooey rubbery form?


Might be too much effort, but it would be interesting if she turned into a plastic gator, ready to chomp any pieces

Grant Nordin

You know a King K. Rool tf alt would be cool in a way if that’s okay.


Maybe a reality and mind change?


I dig it! My BF suggested maybe they actually become Ammit - so a reality and mind change where she's a sinister goddess at the end?

Something Tanuki

Love this! I'd absolutely love a FTM or bulge alt personally. Big fan of her cute expression in the last panel :D


GOOOOOOD LOVE THE SNOOUT, and the pose on the last frame, so cozy! The alts suggested in the description and by your BF are fantastic, the idea of actually becoming Ammit especially sounds fun. Maybe for shits and giggle you could do something with hieroglyphics instead of words? Maybe could a slight size alt, but i dunno if that'd be too much work

Worstestdragon (edited)

Comment edits

2023-05-18 03:20:13 Chonky!
2023-05-07 17:13:06 Chonky!


Worstestdragon (edited)

Comment edits

2023-05-18 03:20:13 Preg? 😳
2023-05-07 21:46:34 Preg? 😳

Preg? 😳