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Heya, welcome back to another update - this time we've got a couple of WIPs (She-Ra and Polar Burr) and a tiny patreon admin thing, and in life updates I b*tch about work and share some photos of the wintery weather.

Art Stuff

First up, in the gap between patreon work i've been tackling the last commission on my queue - that big She-Ra TF/WG/Paw sequence for Klari: 

I'm on track to hopefully finish it this weekend, which will be just in time to start work on the monthly art :)  (which is looking like it'll be the Princess and Maid - i'm deeply concerned that i'm going to be ambitious with this one...)

On the side i've managed to get the lines for that polarbear gal:

I'm hoping that at some point this month i'll have her done (with alts for patrons) to tide people over for a maybe longer wait for the monthly art :) 

And speaking of extra stuff, while i've kinda been unofficially doing it on-and-off, i figured i'd add a Patron Goal for committing to doing a bonus art each month:

At the current trajectory, we might hit this around the middle of this year. OR I plateau and never hit the goal... either way i'll probably still sneak in bonus gubbins for you lot :) 

I'm also working on that story i've mentioned a couple of times. Up to 3800 words now, onto the sex scene at the end. Hoping to finish it for Valentines for maximum cuteness ;p 

Anyways, that's all for art this time!

Life Stuff

I have been exhausted these last two weeks. Work, my actual job, has been ramping up and i've been noticing how much more tired I am (even though i've solved my insomnia problem with a thicker duvet) Having to be partly responsible for a big project at work, answering to an overstressed team lead and being one of only competent people in my team really makes me appreciate the freedom of being a solo creator with only self-imposed deadlines.

Bleh. Hoping one day art pays me well enough that I can take a demotion or something and chill more. Or maybe i'll run away to America... no, don't be silly Milton. 

In much lighter news, we've had some funky winter weather recently! Firstly, I visited the Rollright Stones during a particularly frosty day. They're a stone circle in the countryside that I often drive by. There's also a creepy wicker sculpture:

We've also been getting some lovely sunsets. How do they fit that many colours into one sky huh? Makes me wish I was a landscape artist ;p

That's all from me this time. Valentines is right round the corner, and for the first time in - well, maybe ever - i'm excited to get really sappy for someone. Whether you've got someone to dote on or are flying solo, I'm sending good vibes your way! Self love is important too :) 

Thanks as always for your support and for reading this far :) Have a lovely weekend and I'll be back hopefully with some polarbear alts in the next few days!



Hope work can calm down for you! And I hope you have a great Valentine's day!