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Hey everyone! On this update we've got two collaborations that i'm very excited about, a brief update on the nearly complete Monthly Art, and a minimal life update. 

Art Stuff

First up, i'd love some poll ideas please! February's theme is gonna be Stuff that I Love, so i'd really dig some fun WG/TF ideas if you've got them!

Quick update on the monthly art. Demi, Hypno, Nude and Sweaty Alts are all done. Next up: WG and Milf outfits (and a potential Nerd + WG alt?): 

Onto my side projects! First up, me and AtariPanther have been working on a new OC for them. A Borzoi (trendy) called Reyna as a counterpart to Millie (my golden retriever alterego):

They did the lines (with a little help) on the front view and I did some shading. And the side view was a sketch done by both of us, with colours by them and shading by me. Yes her boobs are absurd... i'm getting over it :P 

And next up, I reached out to MuttonChopWolf on Twitter because I love how they do chunky gals. I asked if they'd like me to shade some of their lines and they were onboard!

Here's a two-part sequence of their gal Mutton drinking a random swelling potion. Snuck some paws and sweat in there too (and i'm gonna do an alt with a glowing green tummy). Hoping to get that done this weekend alongside alts. 

I love doing collabs. One of my TF Idols, Watsup, does a fair bit of colouring for other artists and I like to pretend I'm like them ;p  

I'm aware i still have two commissions on my queue that have been there for way too long... I will clear that next month hopefully. And then it's big overhaul time I think. 

Life Stuff

The last week has been really tricky for me - England's been going through a cold snap and I think that low temperature has been upsetting my body. I've seen 4am on the clock after going to bed at 11pm too many times recently. Stress at work has compounded it and i've been suffering a little bit. 

I think i'm through the worst of it, and having an American BF to talk to when I can't sleep has been a bonus. Here's to Spring being not too long away...

It's been a while since we've had a plant update - check out the monstera though! It's grown a leaf with three (count 'em) windows. If only I were this good at looking after myself:

Also, here's the sunset from tonight (friday) as i'm writing this. Mmm, serene:

Anyways, that brings this update to an end! I'll be back with the Monthly Alts and the next poll between here and the next update. Thanks as always for your support, have a good weekend!



could do that skunk twinning one again? really any twinning'd be good, no bias


There's been a new Willow TV series on Disney+, perhaps you could turn some of their female protagonists into Pigs, classic Willow style. Pig TFs always include a bit of WG


I've not watched Willow (movie or TF show...) but I do like Pig TFs! Hmmm, i'll stick something piggy on the todo list


Really sorry to hear about your situation right now, but I’m glad he’s able to help you through it! Hopefully things ease up soon for you! And for polls, maybe to make it something you really like, it can be a tf/WG character you really love or want to do more of? OC or otherwise. I know that’s not really a suggestion, but I hopefully it brings something to mind, romantic or otherwise. Indulge yourself


Thanks for the kind words :) I'm making sure to put some indulgent WG options on there... and i'm sneaking a couple's TF on there :)