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Holy Moley! Another 12 months on the platform and I think it's time for another big thank you 😊 Before I get into it, please leave me some comments with feedback for ways you think I can improve my service - no promises but i'm keen to improve!

Thank You

Thank you very very much for supporting me!

Even if you've popped in for a month here or there, I really appreciate it! (I try to send a hello and thanks message to everyone who joins without cancelling immediately, sorry if i've missed you!) I recognise that my flitting between TF, TG and WG isn't everyone's thing and some months won't appeal to all. 

Massive thanks to those who've been supporting me long term (shout out to Downward Vector and Pheagle who've been here since 2020!) and peeps who regularly comment and feed back (there's too many of you to list, but you know who you are 😊) the engagement helps motivate me and know what sorts of things people want!

How It's Been

This year i've tried to improve the offerings on the patreon:

  • Master List of Alts page (pinned to top of profile) for easy alt locating
  • Rough Sketches and Early Monthly Art Access for $5 patrons
  • Better tagging of alts, to improve finding of specific kinks/themes
  • Gradual increase in Alt numbers per month

Since last November we've gone from 60 patrons to 160 - it would feel ludicrous to expect increases like this every year but the chart is lovely to see:

It's a steady linear increase and while each month I worry that i'm gonna plateau, it's been great seeing poll responses go up and more Likes and Comments on the alts 😊 

Where it's Going

Currently i'm very happy with where i'm at in terms of workload - about two-three weeks of every month is Patreon and that leaves time for commissions on the side. 

However, i'm keen to improve my service and earn more supporters. Things i've either had suggested to me, or thought about doing:

  • Create a Discord server (what benefits could I offer?)
  • Create a website to allow easy Alt finding (host the alts on patreon but create a search functionality to categorise and link out to them - it'd cost for hosting, but i'm a web developer so making the site is free)
  • Bonus Alts for ad hoc personal projects (already done a couple of these)
  • ???

I'd really appreciate suggestions, if I could double my supporter count that'd be nearly $1000 a month, which would genuinely make reducing my main job hours feasible, and allow for even more art. While the full time artist dream is probably unobtainable, my hobby is finally becoming financially viable and i'm so grateful.


Anyways, that's enough blabbing on, i've got a commission to work on and a Poll to eagerly watch the results of 😉 Hopefully i'll be back this time next year to tell you how well things are going and to thank you once again!



private discord server for the two of us so we can coordinate online blackjack together


You’re definitely the nicest and most active Patreon I’ve ever subscribed to! Keep up the great work man, love to see your progress 😁


Aw, thanks so much :) Any champion of Even Chubbier alts will be treated well around here ;p


Happy anniversary!! I'm not really sure how you could improve service, it's already great! Maybe raw files for a higher tier? I'm really not sure


Thanks, and another thanks for always leaving lovely comments and engaging with me :) I'm dissuaded from uploading raw files (like, having a dropbox or offering zips etc.) because it would make it easier for people to take the art and spread it elsewhere. But maybe that's me being a dick when piracy is inevitable


Oh, of course! It’s nice actually engaging with you, so thank you as well for responding so much! And that’s totally fair! I honestly didn’t even think of that. But with that in mind, totally not being a sick, it’s understandable! Just only thing that came to mind at the moment I know some others do