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Hey again everyone - looks like April's nearly over ( and here in the UK we're going into a long weekend with the May Day bank holiday ).  On this update i've got one final request for a poll idea and an early commission sketch - and then in the Life Update some photos from a big wander I did in the local fields...

Art Stuff

First up, i've got a firmer idea of what May's poll should be - as suggested by Lymed and Danuki I think an "End Of Spring" theme would be cool, and here are the ideas we've got so far:

  • Expired Peeps ( F Human -> Marshmallowy Birb via eating Peeps ) 
  • An Australian Summer ( F Human -> Anthro Wombat, Reality Shift to Australia and disappointed that it's cold right now ) 
  • Beach Body Ready ( F Human -> Anthro Shark, via suntan lotion? cursed beach? )
  • ???

As you can see, i've got a spare slot here, so if you've got an idea that'd fit the theme let me know! I can pick one or two and complete that poll :) 

In other art news, i've picked up the next commission on my queue from a new client who's after a FtM TF of a gal into Angus from Night in the Woods.  I've put together a super rough sketch and sent it to them because my deer senses are tingling that there might be a lot of adjustments requested:

We'll see how that goes, if it progresses well expect a rough sketch post in a couple of days :) 

As an aside, this update comes at another fallow period - i've just uploaded a sequence comm and not long finished the monthly art, so that's why i'm rather low on things to share. 

I'm also pretty burnt out, again - I really struggled to get started on Carmelita and had to crunch hard on the alts to get it finished in time. I think May's art is gonna be a bit smaller in scope ( which should leave me more time to spend on Alts though :) ) 

Life Stuff

Life has thankfully been pretty chill. My new job has me in a team with an actual sense of identity, and i've been communicating with multiple customers and making use of my knowhow :)  

The other  weekend I went for a wander over the local fields ( just picked a random public footpath and walked for five miles  ).  It was great for trying out my phone's 10x optical zoom - below is a distant village.

(with zoom)

(without zoom)

It was while I was stood in this field that a patron messaged me wondering if there could be a better way to view the monthly alts, so after this walk I created that Master List page :) 

Taking a big walk into the middle of nowhere was really good for clearing my mind though. I didn't literally touch any grass but I got close. It was really freeing, and a nice break from sitting in my office.

Anyways, enough of my ramblings about my rambling!  Thanks for your support this month and for your patience with monthly artwork. Hopefully you have a lovely weekend and i look forward to having your votes on the poll :) 



Maybe something cookout themed, like a careless host accidentally lights himself on fire and turns into a phoenix or maybe someone at a cookout turns into a cow/bull after eating a burger?