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Hey and welcome back to another fortnigthly update! Got some good WIPs to share this week, and i'd love your thoughts on one of them. And instead of a plant update, how about a house update? Honest, the post's title will make sense!

So first up, i've just finished the sketch for this month's Patreon artwork - and i think i've done an alright job at the computer mouse's design:

My question for you is: should she have a hairdo, or is the scroll-wheel mohawk alright? Any other feedback is appreciated too :)   

I can keep myself busy with commissions while i wait for answers - speaking of which, i've also gotten started on the lineart for a neat cow TG commission:

I'm really glad to be getting paid to do another Cow TF, i really like them :)  Keep it on the downlow, but i forgot to scale the sketch up before starting the lines, so they're gonna be thicker on this one and it'll wind me up forever...

And lastly, a house update! If you've read some of the previous updates, you'll know that i'm in the process of buying my first house, a newbuild. I popped over to the building site the other day and took a picture:

It's the one on the left; i'm sure it's gonna be 'cozy' but it'll be fine for me. It's due to be built by the end of August, and i'm very excited!
Anyways, that's the end of another fortnightly update - let me know what you think about the mouse (including any suggestions for ALT versions) in the comments, and have a lovely weekend!



I think the mohawk works it could be a bit complicated to do anything else for hair tbh, love it though!!!!!! Like I'm in trouble cause I wanna get something similar now xD


Thanks for the vote of confidence on the Mohawk :) would you also be a mouse, or could you see yourself being the cat ;p


Hmmmm ;p id say I would watch someone turn into a mouse and then maybe use them or package them up ;3 🤔