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Heyo, how's it going my fellow May-experiencers? Hopefully this month is gonna be pretty great - the UK's gonna be easing it's lockdown a bit more and i'm gonna be staying inside by choice to draw more ;p 

Currently i'm working on my biggest commission in ages, a four stage WG TG comic - here's a sneak peek! (sorry that it's so loooooong)

Last month's poll winner, Elephant Gal, has gone down really well and I hope you liked the alt versions I made! It drew a few more $3 patrons (and one more $5 patron, hello!) so i don't want to be letting them down. Definitely gonna be continuing the exclusive alts and will be continuing to seek input on what sorts of things (both for poll ideas and alts) you lot want to see :) 

Life update: my house purchase is progressing, i've been signing a lot of paperwork and we're nearly at Exchanging Contracts (and paying solicitors fees :| ) - very excited! 

Also, mandatory plant update, the monstera made a new leaf and it's the biggest yet! Love this thing :) 

Anyways, that's my update for now - next monthly poll is up in four days, going with a Technology theme this time (any last minute suggestions, stick them below!) - have a lovely weekend and thanks as always for your support :) 


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