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I don't think the base art would've allowed a deathclaw of this chonkiness - so instead I put that time into drawing Lucy after a biiig food binge. (so many Fancy Lad Snack Cakes!)

This was a bit experimental, what do you think about this supplementary sketch rather than an alt?




I love it! Although, I bet it takes a lot of extra work to do compared to the alts (since you need to draw an entirely different pinup), so maybe not something we should expect every time? I'd love to see more like this though ^^


Thanks very much! Honestly this only took like an hour or so to do - and because I didn't have to spend time thinking about tweaking the existing piece the irl time taken was probably the same as doing an alt. Maybe not an every time thing, but if I ever get art block for an indulgent alt in future it might be something I do again :)


Fuck yes, I love this!