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This is very unfair to everyone who support me, I decided to make the announcement.

I donˊ t want anyone will feel bad.

I am very sad, my patreon paid viewing works have been shared arbitrarily again.
I have always trusted everyone who supports me, and I have repeatedly emphasized that the rewards of purchase cannot be scattered to the second person.
But these people have destroyed the trust between me and everyone.

Afterwards, if my team and I discover or know who leaked after purchasing, I will permanently blacklist the leaker on all social platforms.






Trong Pham

We all behind you ❤️❤️❤️

Ikeda Hakubi

I am sorry this is happening.


I'm sorry that I don't read all the messages. I won't click on those who are classified as strange messages. I'm so sorry I missed your message.


wow dude had to ruin it for everyone smh we support ya 💖


You and your team work hard to make these sets, it's sad people feel they can skip supporting you.


Let us hope that we can find the culprit sooner, be strong and we will continue supporting you.


Good luck on catching the criminal. Hope you and your team will win through


That's sucks hope you get it resolved soon tho


We’ll support you anyway we can❤️


I'm sorry that there are people who do that. I hope you get justice for what was done to you.


That’s so messed up and disrespectful of those people.

Mao Guevara

This is so unfair! I paid a lot and they get it for free!

Zephyr E. Levin

Honestly, since you offer several sets as a physical package... I'd rather support you in that manner. Overall though, it's a damn shame this happened to you.


I thank you very much. I don’t read all the messages, especially those classified as strange messages by the system. I’m sorry if I missed your message.


Yes, the leaking is unfair to those who paied for the photos.


There are a couple solutions to this problem. Some might be okay with it and some not. But it's a solution that one creator I support on here and I haven't seem any problems.




This is terrible to hear! Hopefully they are brought to light and stripped of their privileges soon. We’re right behind you Hane!


This is horrible... I support you and I also pre-ordered your physical Tifa photobook and I hope people will continue to be honest and stop doing this unfair things like you show =( I hope they will be punish !


This is bad, people always doing these kind of things. They should be held accountable for their actions.


So sad.


With certain creators I have supported, they have charged extortionate prices and (currently) only allow access to there work for a limited time. In those cases I can at least understand the compulsion. But Hana isn't one of them. She neither expensive ($50 for 4 where you can mix and match past sets), nor does she make her sets “needlessly exclusive” thanks to her up to date Gumroad (where each set is only around $10). These guys don’t have $10 to support work they like?


very sad to hear


what a grimey thing to do. hope you find them.

William Refsland

You do what it takes to protect your work. Very sad and angry that people abuse your trust. Thank you for telling us and continuing to do create great work. Very sorry you are hurt. Few ruin for the many.


See stuff like this is wasted on people like them, they don’t know hard work when they see one. I hope you do catch them


That is a shame. Sorry. I hope some of the people who find you and your brand because of the leaks become patrons anyway, even though it is not likely. Stand your ground and make sure justice is served.


I don't blame you, alot or work and care goes into what you do, I dislike leakers of any kind and this is the kind of stuff that just should not fly with anyone.




Unfortunately, such cases still occur in social networks and it is difficult to stop such dishonest people. Sorry that this happened to you.


Dont steal art! That's what this is whole website is for. We support you.


I hope you'll be able to find the people who leaked the images and ban them! It definitely sucks that this happened, though. I'm going to keep supporting you because I love your work!

Sean Mullaney

I really hope you're able to find the leaks, Hane. It's disgusting that this is happening to you. D:


I'm sad...


Here as well? When you want something... Then buy it... Everyone wants his or her salary... So why is this so difficult? 🤯 I hope you find them...


:c I really hope they catch the ones leaking them cause I've been a fan since way before patreon and each work is so amazing and unique that I appreciate and love each and everyone that comes out, will keep supporting no matter what and can't wait to preorder books soon ;o ; all around hope they catch them and if need be we can all take the time and stop these leakers.


We're always here for you!


Omg Hane, I hope you find who did this. 😔

