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Drak here with more card art! Llama sketched it and I did the rest.
This one was tricky cause originally the cloth was a very dark blue (second pic included) but when printed out it blended with the dark parts of his body and completely ruined his silhouette!

I realized I need to keep track of the values more to make sure they don't blend. An easy way to do this is to desaturate the picture, illustrated below with the old color on the left and new on the right. This is also something that's really helpful when you're designing characters. If you make it gray and everything blends together you probably want to create more contrast!



Jay Dot

I like the way the orange cloak and bg compliments his blue eyes


The Dark One! I submit and Obey oh Ebony Messiah, haven't seen him in a while 😈🦇😍💖