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Comment down below what you want for your monthly sketch.

We ask that you include:

  • A reference of your character (the more the better.) We do not accept text only refs.
  • What you want them to be doing (action, pose, etc.)
  • Additional details (character expression, clothing details, handheld objects, etc.)
  • Specify if you want it to be fullbody, thigh up, waist up, a bust, or a headshot.
    - If you don't specify we will assume you're letting us choose what looks best.
  • When submitting your details, avoid writing lengthy posts with unnecessary details. We prefer you use bullet points to convey what you want. This way we can read it clearly and won't miss any important details that could be lost in a long post.
    Example:  - Fullbody
                        - Standing, leaning hip to one side
                        - Hair in a ponytail
                        - Low cut red cocktail dress
                        - Flirtatious smirk
                        - Holding a drink in right hand

The sketch will be a single character, no color.
If we've already drawn a sketch for you the previous month you may request we color it this month, or add another character to it. You may also request background elements (such as furniture or other large props) or simple backgrounds to be added as your monthly request.

If you have a preference for who should draw your sketch, Drak or Laurel, let us know!  You might not always get your choice but we'll take it into account.

As long as you submit your character we will draw them. You don't have to be there for the stream, so don't worry about having to catch it!

IMPORTANT: Please be aware if you don't comment or inform us of what you want before the stream this month, your monthly sketch for this month doesn't carry over (stack) to the next month and we will accept your pledge as gratuity. So please submit your character in time.


Jay Dot

Id like my sketch from last month colored https://www.dropbox.com/s/jzwkecjf66f4dc2/February_2021_JDot_Full.png?dl=0

Kitsune Shukko

I would like to start getting mine from before colored as well https://i.gyazo.com/eb07be2b00a9ddf44c7c602468fb80f8.png Colors https://imgur.com/ndAYdxh


( https://docs.google.com/document/d/1Dixwfyq_PWAjuP8EWulTmXKN2Thjy41pOIzSc5pCRuc/edit?usp=sharing )


http://imgur.com/a/7T890wd I wanted to get an expression or two of Thumia if you could! -Headshots of course. -One giving a smile, and the other pouting. -If it's just one, then just the pouty one! -Nothing different than her usual.


Going with a 2nd beach set, of either Fio, Paltina, or Idelle (all would be part of the same picture overall). (Fine with either being started first. Fullbody for each.) If Fio ( https://imgur.com/a/1fhpJP6 ) : -On a beach lounge chair wearing a slingshot bikini & shades on head. -Twisting over on her side to grab something on the ground, losing her balance out of the chair cause of bust sliding to ground. Slight panic to her expression. If Idelle (https://imgur.com/a/eiAKgMv): -Sitting on a beach towel with one knee slightly bent up. -Putting suntan lotion on her legs w/ bottle on the ground. If Paltina ( https://imgur.com/a/JBkd51u ) : -Sitting up in a beach chair, resting/starting to fall asleep with open book in lap. -Wearing a standard bikini (small for her bust) and a straw hat with strap.


I would like a sketch of this character https://imgur.com/a/ZBxfNuZ -Fullbody -Posed sexily as he is getting sucked off by another character (to come next month!) -Evil smirk


https://imgur.com/MK12RAk - General Overview on Vinelipe's Appearance ------Closer look at certain refs if need be---- https://imgur.com/5GFqRXU - Vinelipe's Scars, Red Tinted Hair, & Saiyan Hairstyle https://imgur.com/f3K1x70 - Vinelipe's Muscular Build https://imgur.com/Km7EKlR - Vinelipe's Bust size -Fullbody -Pose: Standing upright, both feet on the ground. --Facing Completely forward --Hand on her neck as if she's cracking it --Fully Clothed in her Queen Attire as Shown --Glancing away from Camera --Calm, collected look on her face. -Above her head is her height (6"8) with a height measure chart next to her. --She's standing right next to Athenus (who also has 6"5 Height over her head) for comparison sake. Drawn by Laurel if possible.


I would like my request from May of 2020 to be colored. Sketch: https://i.gyazo.com/a2fcffe163934b4c48a8b060ffa49c5d.png The image is a bimbofied version of Kana who belongs to a friend of mine. Color ref: https://i.imgur.com/0DeQRaT.jpg The bottle of "bimbo juice" should be hot pink (of course)


Was looking to get colour on this previous sketch started! https://imgur.com/pCZzwAO Val's refs: https://imgur.com/a/9t4h0Wz

Stelard Actek

Could I get this previous picture coloured please? https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/745260306330026034/818427111852867634/Plastic_clutz_by_LaurelDog.png


Better late than never, here's my ref for the monthly sketch. - Fullbody - Pose the same as in reference, hands clasped / meditation signs -meant to look as if floating, whole body turned slightly to viewer's right. - Image Ref: https://imgur.com/a/oNf8T9y - Height should be around 4'9"-4'11"

Cosmo Cassamassa

Again I apologize so much for the last minute notice so I'm just keeping it simple, if you could add some body and facial hair to him I'd greatly appreciate it; drew this as a general idea for it! https://imgur.com/a/tcB0xtI


Hey again you guys! I was hoping I could get laurel to draw my request again, once more with my genie girl Chalyn! Refs: https://imgur.com/a/DrZWbzb As for the idea itself, I was thinking something along the lines of 'magic masturbation', where the piece is aimed looking down at Chalyn laying down on her back on top of her bed from up above. She's using one hand to rub her sex down below between thickening thighs, and another hand to fondle/play with her billowing breasts. All the while it's causing her to build up and expand with magical energy, as made obvious by maybe some magic sparkles but moreover the fact that her curves and body are starting to grow so large that she's beginning to swell over the sides of the bed at this point! Hope that gets the idea across, and hope to make it to the stream later too, thank you~!


The idea is all fine and good but just for future reference we'd prefer it if you'd format it in bullet points. It becomes hard for us to read these long descriptions and we end up missing details sometimes.