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We've been drawing a lot of sex scenes so to switch it up, here's a rare and tender moment between Gullin and Norael!


The two end up drinking as they spend some time together in their camp, sitting by the campfire as the sun sets and it gets darker and darker. They recently finished a job with a bonus that compelled Norael to spend some money on alcohol.

She doesn't drink often but when she does, many many bottles stack up. It takes a lot to get a dragon drunk. When she is drunk, she relaxes and opens up more, becoming friendlier but still full of snide remarks. One reason she doesn't like drinking is she knows she might share too much information that she'll later regret. She doesn't like making herself vulnerable like that.
Gull is the type to get all around happier to goofier when on a high, it bolsters his already high playfulness and urge for competition but he's worse off generally when following through with any challenge or bet in this state. He's used to drinking and smoking but mainly for celebratory purposes. Journeying so far from home with someone like Norael was more than reason enough.

"You really have been living under a rock if you haven't had this before." Nor says, holding a bottle of dwarven liquor, identical to the one Gull is holding.
"I've had juice before, just not this spicy! It helps with cold... but it's not very cold where I'm from, you know?"
"If you think this is cold, you should try living up in the mountains. Now that's cold." 
"I've been to the snow too... But, come to think on it, I was too young to handle that stuff then! It really burned my insides, hehe."
"It burned your insides?" She tilts her head and raises an eyebrow, waiting for him to elaborate.
"Yeah! Spice doesn't do that to ancient bodies?" He grins and giggles. "... maybe after you get old enough your stomach turns to rocks!"
She laughs.

At some point they get up and start wandering around the dark forest. The cold doesn't bother them, not when they have the booze to keep them warm. They've been talking for so long now and it feels... nice. Natural almost. When Nor stumbles over an exposed root and falls down, Gull is there to help her up but he pauses...
Their eyes meet and they both chuckle nervously. Gullin sits down with her and they look up at the stars through a parting of the treetops. No one is saying anything, but it's a comfortable silence. Nothing needs to be said. 

They don't remember who leaned in first, but suddenly they're so close, and getting closer. There's some uncertainty but a clear driven desire. Gullin closes the distance and presses his lips to Nor's hot cheek. They both feel an invisible spark. A jolt of happiness unlike any other.

They don't remember how they ended up falling asleep in the forest, but they do remember that spark.



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