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 Norael is a brute dragon, strong and prideful. She works as a mercenary and treasure hunter, though most would categorize her as a simple thug. She is money-obsessed and competitive, and on top of that she also has a bad temper and enjoys breaking things, which often go hand in hand. No one knows where she came from, and she's not keen on opening up and sharing that information. Her main goal is to accumulate a great hoard, but deep down there might be something else she desires more.

Norael has a muscular shapely body with large breasts. She wouldn't say they inconvenience her but at times it does get very floppy without a bra. She got them pierced too, finding that look attractive but also because her nipples are a huge source of pleasure for her. She'll find herself fiddling with those golden doorknockers whenever she's in the mood. Her ass is not to overlook either, but her large tail keeps it mostly hidden until she lifts it for a partner.

Despite everything, Nor is not very experienced with sex at all. Her demeanor and techniques are all very awkward and rough. There are not many people she's looked at and though worthy of sex with her. She has very high standards.
In the bedroom, she does also end up being the submissive one, preferably after she's lost  some form of strength contest or a wrestling match.

Gullin, known as simply "Gull" to friends, this centaur-like beast has a peculiar body composed of both half man and half giant boar, though he would insist he's actually a boar under a human curse. Despite his bad luck, his 'boar' is motivated by the daily hard work involved in the stringent spiritual practices of the ancient jungle village that took him in as a shoat. He is often distracted by the simple promise of play and easily tempted into contests of strength, games of competitive skill or any physical activity to let slip his boastful, proud side.

Centaurs bodies are considered exotic to most, but have you ever considered a creature with the body of both human and...boar? Existing in a niche of it's own, Gullin's dark furred swine half is that of an overly muscled giant boar, much bigger than the roaming sort you'd see in the wild but equipped with roughly the same gear... just proportionate to a 6 foot beast of his size!
Perhaps compensating for something, his human half has generated more width and girth than humans are generally known to have. With pectorals the size of his head and arms as thick as tree trunks he is quite the specimen. If he had to venture to guess, despite the jarring combination of creatures that compose him, the characteristic that folk are often quick to notice are the huge size of his balls. 

In the bedroom, Gull considers himself dominant and his partners find his natural and straight-forward breeding instincts very pleasurable once they get down to it. There is little traditional romance in the way he courts partners though and most would-be mates would have to work harder to reach passed the prideful and playful warrior in him to enjoy this side of him. 

Lunarette, or Luna for short, is an old elf living by herself in a pretty little house far out in a forest. She spends most of her time tending to her garden, reading, and baking sweets, the results of which she brings to the nearest village. She is loved by many as the ditzy, sweet and caring woman that she is. However, no one truly knows Luna. Past her exterior there is something powerful and ethereal. Her backstory is shrouded in mystery, and when people ask her about it they somehow always get distracted by other topics.
Even so, she longs for a partner to get close to. Some might say she's obsessed with romance.

Appearance-wise, Luna is huge. She stands at 7 feet, and she's hourglass-shaped to the extreme. People watch with their mouths agape as she walks by, her heaving bosom swinging with each step.  She's not ashamed of this at all, in fact she often experiences euphoria associated with her body.

Accompanied with those breasts, she's got some very big aerolas, and innie nipples that'll pop out when it's cold or when she's in the mood. Between her legs she's got a bush full of blonde curls that hide her vagina. Everything about her is big and so is her genitals, with a big button clit and large full lips that spill out.
Luna is often in the mood. Between reading and baking and everything she finds time to masturbate, and does so passionately. Doing it by herself is just fine, but she so wishes for there to be someone else to satisfy. 

Kliss (Full name Kliss Yllipses) is a cold-blooded monster given humanoid shape fished from the depths of another plane of existence. While he claims that he isn't suffering from amnesia, spending generations imprisoned under an otherworldly sea has reduced any memories of time spent on the surface among the living to a eclectic (or selective?) collection of vague memories that only half-serve to remind him that not all surface dwellers exist to be consumed and assimilated. As he lacks many social cues he has the potential to do well or worse depending on those around him but is naturally inclined to do harm to others for even the smallest profits if there is nothing to oppose him. 

At 4'10'' he's an inch taller than the average Kenku and would have just as much trouble keeping eye-contact if not for his versatile gift from the dark: the K'akalli (Cracked Skin) Kliss uses his shape-changing skin to do a variety of things; including and not limited to creating living clothing of all kinds for himself and others, create copies of himself (up to 5) and summon swaths of fluttering insects to whisk him up and meet his partner eye to eye.

Typically spotted features on his small but muscular frame are a set of powerful claws double the size of normal hands, wide hips, a thick bottom and an absurdly hung dick that glows in the dark sometimes! His abilities can be and are often utilized in bed to create miniature orgies or grow his sex organs out from the bodies of hosts that carry his skin. Despite sharing his very swinging bits pretty openly he isn't often tempted by dirty thoughts, he does like to use good sex as a greater platform for how improved life would be if you'd only submit to the dark side with him. 

Kron. Hailing from the mysterious land of Zemeth, the crusading knight captain Kron has arrived to tell and teach the  gospel of Milagru to the outside world. ... Or he'd like to, though the reality of  geopolitics makes it difficult. As such, Kron has become something more of a diplomat, fund raiser and treasurer, breaking bread with other nations in hopes to buy some time, property and resources for his holy knights' crusades. It's not really what he signed up for... 

If standing in front of crowds vying for their favor is considered a career Kron was cut out for it. From his wavy reddish mane and rigid jaw to his intimidating muscled height and perhaps most importantly the earnest gleam in his eye it's easy for most to take the man for his word when he speaks of wanting to help others. Although, can he be certain that the order behind him has as good intentions as he does? Though he's seen with swords draped around him on and off the battlefield he proclaims to leave violence as a last resort option. Still, rumor has gotten out about the tremendous power he wields, could he be hiding something?

Kron takes a natural approach to hygiene, letting his body hair grow pretty wild, he ties up a large amount of long hair in a ponytail and is known to have a fair amount of facial hair and a robust forest growing on his massive, burgeoning pecs. The carpet matches the drapes with him, a red nest leading to a penis and ballsack that would look more natural among a stable of horses than on men. Size isn't the only peculiar thing about his nethers, it's around there that noticeable deformity can be seen, cluster shards of shining metals or jewels seem embedded over his skin, the largest being on his cock shaft. An accident perhaps? It doesn't seem to affect his performance however, the stud has plenty of stress carried on his back from his day to day work and is often too busy for romance which only serves to frustrate him sexually even more so! He wouldn't mean to hurt his partners but when it's time to fuck Kron is more like a stampede than a pony ride.

Honey is a magical girl in a medieval fantasy setting. She's an adventurer aspiring to be a heroic knight and her transformation reflects this, putting her in shiny armor and lending her a golden morningstar, her signature weapon.

The source of this power comes from Empyria, or heaven, a different plane entirely. Her father is the sole ruler of this plane and has many daughters. He watches over his little princess and provides her with the power she needs to defeat her foes.

Honey is kept in the dark about this. She grew up in a monastery with a family of nuns with no knowledge of her real parents. She had a happy but restrained life there. Aside from the power that her father grants her, there's something else very powerful resting deep inside her. As a child she was prone to magical outbursts, harmless but taxing for the nuns to deal with. She would laugh too hard and suddenly the furniture would begin dancing around her and chase the nuns. She learned to control this magic and channels it later for her strength as a knight, using it only for just reasons.

Honey was also cursed by a mysterious fey witch just to spite her father. This curse transforms her into a horrible dragon when she catches the scent of the Maiden's Flower, a pink flower that grows everywhere like a weed. Stuck at the monastery, she often dreamed about going on a big great adventure, and one day she met a wandering knight. Their meeting was short but this knight inspired her to want to become a knight herself and one day she left her life with the nuns behind and set out to do just that.

Honey is of pretty average height with a very large bust and nice hips. Her big sagging breasts are so large in fact, that she needs enchanted bras to contain them most of the time. With that, it's not so much of a bother. Down below, she's got a heart shaped bush of pubic hair, colored pink like the rest of her hair, and all natural too! Her vagina lips are overly pink as well. She doesn't get around to masturbating often, she's very busy after all, but that's not to say she doesn't get horny. Honey is very horny in fact. Often she has to battle her own dirty mind. In the bedroom, she's almost as passionate as in the battlefield.

The farfae Thresh Godefroy is of a bloodline of distinguished and honorable royals. He hails from the southern Fairlands where he serves as not a prince or duke but a more of a 'servant of the people' he would say, a governor-sovereign who tries to live with and be in touch with his peoples rather than rule over them. 

It was his family who had staged a coup against his countries tyrannical monarchy many years ago and through their genius of mechanical engineering they pioneered they were able to prevail against the corrupt sorcery of the previous kingdom, choosing to establish a republic and give the great power of modern-age industry to the people. 

The Baron of Brume as some have come to call him, in the city fraternizing with his citizens it's like clouds of steam gather around his hot armor. He definitely has a presence and he's aware of it, drawing eyes so often he's become somewhat of a celebrity in his own home. 

Nonetheless he's known to be as kind as he is charming, sticking his neck out for the common man and someone trustworthy his people can rely on. 

Prince Elluis Langrúi hails from the ruling kingdom of the Farfae located in the Fairlands. Heir to Titania, Queen of the Spring Court, Elluis has spent most his princely life in the Floral Spire Castle, the most resplendent monument to the Farfae of the Spring Court and home to all it's royalty. 

There, Elluis was educated, taught proper etiquette, fencing, ballet, painting and more of the aristocratic curriculum befitting that of a prince. Growing up the study of global flora and fauna was what he found most interesting and he's retained that interest to this day. 

The Prince has had a good life but he longs for more. There's a whole world full of adventure for him to explore but his coddling mother won't allow him the freedom to seek it. The most he can do is explore the nearby castle forest, escorted. The Prince is young for a fae but still dreads the thought of being kept trapped in his home forever. 

He believes it may be time to do something drastic to change this fate. 



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