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Gullin and Norael settle down in an inn by the side of the road for the night. It's late and they're both tired from walking all day. A lot of the time there's not much happening out there. The innkeeper is nice and the rooms are sufficient, though a little cold.

What starts as the two of them trying to get warm turns into heated sex.
When pelts aren't enough, it starts with an embrace. They tease each other, they often do that (mostly from Nor's side), it lightens the mood. Longing looks and fluttering feelings sparks the need to shower the other in affection.

At this point Norael really has a hard time denying her feelings about Gullin, it's staring her straight in the face. Especially during nights like these.

Gull, who's accepted these feelings way before Nor, is apprehensive about having sex in tawa (taur) form. Especially with purely humanoid creatures. While in his tawa form it's also easier to get him aroused to the point of a breeding frenzy state shown here.
When in this mode it's harder to sustain rational thought during sex so his usual sexual quirks take a back seat to typical vaginal  intercourse from behind.

Needless to say, it's the roughest type of sex they have.




This is too hot 🥵