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Hey Everyone!

The current number of pages planned for my comic will be 30. I've got them all planned out and now it's a matter of cleaning and tweaking things until I start the line art. Starting in May, I'm seriously considering just working on my comic, colored sketches and character polls only until it's done but I'll let you all know by at least the 17th. I'd really like to get this done, while I still have the motivation, rather then let it drag on too long. The only time I really have to work on it is during the weekends because my weekdays are spent at my day job then finishing up other drawings the moment I get home.

The plan for this week is to finish up that Bullet 2-koma then start the Aloe sketch. I'll try to finish the Marnie draws if I have time. I'll have another sketch log post next weekend and until then take care :)



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