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Hey Everyone!

Here's a rough concept for Joule's creator named Professor Pika! She's a 5'2 Dominican genius who's just as horny as the androids she creates. Her Usagi-com also transforms into a mech which she uses for bounty missions to fund her experiments (building androids ain't cheap). I plan on featuring her in my doujin, along with Joule for a few pages :3

Right now, I'm working on both the Joule and Mochi drawings I started last weekend will have those finished by the time I start my next sketch log. I'll also have rough sketches for this month's poll winner (Yoko Littner!). She'll be getting a 2-Koma page, similar to Min-Min.

I've got one more character that I need to make concept sketches for but will wait until I've finished the above first (thinking about going the dark skinned futa route). Either way, they're going to be Joule's "energy source" :)))

I'll have another sketch log posted next weekend and until then take care!
