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Heyo everyone! 

I want to make a little on what I've been up to lately and future stuff.

Social Media: I made a little realization that my stuff isn't getting much notice for twitter, and I believe it's because of the forced age restriction. That's fine for my NSFW stuff, but not so much for my SFW stuff. Soon, I'm going to make an alt account for all of my safe stuff, like my animations. 

8-Bit Adventures of Mia: Making 8-Bit is still very fun, however, I made need to hire some help soon because of a little thing that happened to me when I was finishing up episode 2. 

Art: I'm still going to draw, don't worry. I noticed that I've been drawing the same stuff lately, and that is one of my most fatal flaws of my work, so I'll need some time to think for better ideas. 

Future Projects: I'd like to work on some original one-offs like Mary-Ann, but if you have suggestions on what I should do to keep things fresh, I can look into it. 

I hope everyone has an awesome day!



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