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Heyo everyone! I just want to address what's been going on since my last important update. I mentioned before that I was not having fun with making SU stuff anymore and I was deciding on whether to slow down on SU art or stop entirely with SU art. Even though I still continued with making SU stuff after the announcement, going against my word on possibly slowing down, I think I've made my final decision...

I want to move on from Steven Universe...

I'm going to sound like a broken record when I say this, and I'm sorry if I do, but this decision was really hard to make. I just don't have fun with it anymore. It has gotten so bad, when I do SU commissions, even though I love to put alot of care and effort to make myself and the person happy, I genuinely feel miserable when I draw SU commissions. 

I'm going to try and not repeat everything I said that was already said in the 21st. My thoughts are still the same, but for one thing. This is going to be under spoiler territory, so for those that don't want to be spoiled, I'll just say that a particular episode changed my perception and it led me to make this decision. 

Again, I'm terribly sorry for all of my fans that enjoy my SU stuff. I know people are going to leave, but I'm going to expect it. For those that stay for all my stuff, thank you for everything.

I know people may want to know what I'm going to do now after leaving SU. I would like to work on personal projects such as Mia, and possible other projects. I do have a couple more pieces left to post, but they are currently recent, so those can wait for a bit.  

This is going to be the last time I'll be talking about the 21st stuff because that's not what people are here for. I want people to enjoy all the work I've made on here. 


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