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This is going to be harder to announce than it should be for me. Before I make people worry, I'm still going to be doing art. Unfortunately, there's something I need to address that has been on my mind for about a year. 

I'm not having fun with Steven Universe anymore...

This is going to be shocking for those that only enjoy my SU art, but some knew this was going to happen. I'm deeply sorry for my fans and friends that enjoy my SU art. I hate to sound like a plagiarist when I say this, but if you really like my stuff, please check out my other stuff. I put a lot of the same love, care, and effort as I do with my SU stuff. I came to this decision since the Pink Diamond reveal. I know it was weird to make this decision a long time ago, but due my fear of losing my fans, I kept making SU art. Grant it, I did have fun with some of my pieces, but if you look into some of my pieces, you can tell I was not having fun with some of them. 

Before I bring up the reasons, I need to address this little bit of info. Steven Universe was the reason for my small recognition, and I can never be more than grateful for this. I really want to thank you all so much for the long support. It really does mean alot to me.

There are multiple reasons why I'm not having fun with SU. One of the major reasons is because of other art. I become demotivated whenever I see other art from different artists. It got so bad for me to the point where whenever I see other art, I need to draw the character that I saw to feel better. Nowadays, I do it for inspiration, but the feeling comes back up at times. I'll be brutally honest, I act completely different when I see other art on my Discord. I'm not proud of it and I'm hoping this change can remove this flaw of mine. 

Another reason for me is the current state of the show for me. This is a rather controversial topic to discuss, so I'll just leave it at that.

A minor, but important reason for me was the brutal negative reception of Peridot's Curiosity. I've already said what needed to be said in the comic, so no worries about that.

An understandable reason for me not having fun with SU anymore is because I've been burnt out. Drawing SU stuff, sometimes non-stop, since 2016 kind of does that to you. I know I can easily just take a break with SU stuff to work on other things, or going on hiatus would be a good idea, but the burn out feels too late for me. Even though this is going slightly off-topic because I do want to take a break or go on a hiatus for a while, it kind of scares me when I haven't made, or post anything for my fans. 

So does this mean I'm completely done with Steven Universe? I don't know yet. At the moment, I've been struggling on whether to slow my SU stuff down or just stop making it in general. I do have a bit of interest for the show, but reasons keep piling up for me to want to leave. In regards with will I do SU commissions, I know it sounds greedy, but I'll be more than happy to make those.

Before I forget, I still have SU art to post, so any of the stuff I post was made before this update.

Again, I'm very sorry for this major inconvenience. I'm also sorry if this post goes all over the place with no organization. I know I will receive alot of backlash, and possibly receive a major loss in fans, but this is something I need to get off my chest and mind for a while. For those that understand, and like to stay, thank you so much for understanding and showing your support. In a platonic way, I love you guys.

Stay awesome, everyone!




Your health and feelings are a priority, and whether you do or don’t move on from SU, we’ll still keep loving it. That being said, a slow-down might be a good course of action! If you don’t want to step away from it completely. That’s fine, maybe only a piece or two a month or something? But totally your decision! Wishing you the best, and you know your friends and fans for your back~ 👍🏾


I'm proud of Chase, as long it helps in the long run then so be it. You need to do what's better for you. Every artist cannot please it's entire fandom, and plus you needed to make a decision that as better for your own cause.


I loved your SU art and i'll continue to love what you do from here on out. I'm sure a lot of people understand why you're stepping away from the series. I look forward to seeing more great things from you!!