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Oh yes happy day!

Firstly check this out (WARNING SOUND) 

https://my.mixtape.moe/czusej.mp4  File size 30mb

Secondly ZeroDiamonds  who is also on Patreon has teamed up with Firebox Studio to do the female audio on all GIF's and animated shorts. 

Which is awesome as she does an AMAZING Harley Quinn impersonation which means I can have dialogue in the first episode of Harley & Lara. 

So god damn excited about it. 





More growth, I love it!


Holy Shit...this is Fucking HOT! You are the Master! Great work from both of you guys....and Zero did a great job too!!! Please do more like this one....it's just SO Good!!!


Forgot to mention...perfect length and perfect sounds....Just Perfect work! One of the Best pieces of OW porn out there!!! Bet this gets a shit ton of attenion in the Overwatch porn community!!! Can't wait to see more OW stuff too and that Harley & Lara when you Finish!!!


Thank you very much, was lots of fun to do and yes she did a wonderful job too :) very happy shes on board.


Makes me so happy your having this reaction, going to be lots of new content and characters in the coming months too. 2B, Samus, and Jinx being added to the roster. Hope you enjoy them just as much too :D


Woah! This was magical on its own, but with the sounds ZeroDiamonds added it enters another dimension. I am really excited that she will be doing the female audio on the the future gifs/animations like you said. I cant speak for anyone else, but the well done audio just does something to you when you watch these ^_^ You are both awesome, so much amazing content being made!


I totally agree with you about the audio....it makes this HOT animation just So much MORE special as I am sure it will with all future animations as well. Animations without audio can still be HOT but nohing, and I mean NOTHING makes them Hotter than having audio...especially when the Audio is as well done as it is here by a woman with a Sexy voice like ZeroD!


Shes doing some amazing work and shes on the books for the next GIF im working on now, so more audio yaaaay! It does improve the animation, like to think adds the final layer sort of thing.


Just have to hold on to your seats and wait for the next one :D going to be awesome.


I agree, really does. I think she will do some awesome work with that one too yeah, aswell as one im thinking of haha. Forgive me, I couldn't resist since it's such good news ;)


The link doesn't work anymore...


Oh no! will take a look buddy. here is the porn hub link if Im unable to sort it. all videos go on there ^_^ <a href="https://www.pornhub.com/view_video.php?viewkey=ph590779cc4e95b" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://www.pornhub.com/view_video.php?viewkey=ph590779cc4e95b</a>