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It is done! I'm officially a homeowner.

That's because of you guys, you helped me buy my first house (25% deposit, still got to pay the rest). 

Can't thank you enough as this was the whole point of going self employed to have security and able to keep making lewds. 

Over next few weeks I am going to be packing up my stuff and moving it over, I will have internet on the 22nd in the new place so streaming can continue there. will still be in the old house until the swap over so you should not even notice. 

Wish me luck ^_^ and cannot thank you Fappers enough <3.




Kurt Stigelman

Congratulations and looking forward to your future projects 😏


By UK law, you are required to have a lewd picture of a fictional character in your home … I recommend you have Elsa


You are one of the best creators I know you definitely deserve it and more!!! Thanks for not being a stingy creator hopefully you keep growing.


“Can’t thank you fappers enough” is a sentence I never thought I’d hear anyone say 🤣

Dave Ort

Congrats and good luck!


Congratulations. :-)