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Okay! awesome awesome thing having lots to do for me but for you having to wait must be a bit of a bummer. 

SO I have had a tidy up on the tiers, now don't panic as everyone who has pledged up to this point is locked in to whatever they wanted or there position/idea has been saved for there GIFS. 

I promise they wont effect you guys as I love you guys to much to mess you around. 

This is defiantly for the new people that will join us after the tumblr release of the new GIF, this is so i'm not bogged down in thank you images and a list of GIF s that people are waiting too long. 

If you look at the new tier system there are dedicated tiers for thank you images and animated GIF's just like the custom character tier. 

Hope this doesn't annoy anyone, like I said if you are waiting for a thank you render or GIF this doesn't effect you at all, just the new guys. 

Any problems or issues please feel free to come and talk to me. 

*High five*




I like how you set up these tiers, a good solution to the situation you discribe. You made me smile when I noticed the render you chose for the $30 tier ^_^


Haha thought you would notice that xD Its a good render, would of been a shame not to use it.


Pleased I got in early! 😜 crazy how quickly this has had to evolve, all thanks to the amazing work and communication firebox is delivering. Congrats xox


Thank you, problem is I don't want to disappoint anyone so ive got to cut the workload somehow and the only logical thing to do is put the prices up slightly. But what this does is the community as a whole gets to decide what happens more often than just one person who spent cash. I would rather not put the prices up but the alternative is to scrap the thank you images which I know would be hated more.