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Hello my little fappers, Just an update of whats going on so you know and can feel at ease.

I am going to change up the working days too have 2 days working on animations/Gifs then the following day to work on thank you renders. 

Yes this will take more time for people to get there thank you renders, but I don't want to neglect the Gifs you love so much as that is what is currently happening.  

Im sure/hope you understand. 

any problems or issues please feel free to message me. 



Hey I asked anonymously on Tumblr. How often do you make stuff? Plus a bunch of other stuff


Hi sorry didnt seem to get that one through, what sort of stuff are you looking for?


Depends on what stuff you mean, Im Currently doing bi weekly GIFS and feature animations at a 2 month lead time. Renders and work in progress in the middle. Plus several thank you renders through the week.