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This is Redeagles request, might of changed the tone slightly as I thought is was a kinda like dragging and angel down to hell, so changed the mood slightly.

Hope I haven't gone to far or do you guys like what I've done??




Tentacles in pussies are always great! ♥


I guess that it's only fair that Mercy gets some tentacle action too ;) There is a lot of different poses you can make with tentacles, helps it to stay fresh and not the same. I really like the creative pose and darker colors you did in this one.


Yeah seems to be flavor of the month atm, suppose its due to first Gif being tentacle based. Do want to vary my work but hard when everyone seems to be similar ish in tastes. thought it was a bit risky doing this one as its not somthing I would normally do. but got to test the waters to see if its hot or cold.


Amazing! Love this direction! :)


Trust me, I speak for all of us when I say that this is NOT too far, and going even beyond this would not be frowned upon.


Awesome! I may be a bit biased when I say it is my favorite render yet, but it for sure is my favorite render yet. Can't wait to see what else is coming!

Seek 💜

Don't worry, I feel like this is the nicest yet too. ;)


I'm quite relived its being received well, I questioned binning it and doing a different render. glad I didnt now.


Thank you, not to sure about further but this is a contender for being made into a GIF animation.


You should try to do more pictures with colored backgrounds like this. White backgrounds are great, but i feel like colored ones makes the art much more interesting.