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Greetings fappers and friends!

Little sit round the fire and catch up on whats happening in the world that is Firebox Studio, So whats happening I hear you cry.

Overwatch is still going a head as planned rendering away at night not to take up time in the day on the computer, still some more animating to be done but nothing we cant handle as we are ahead anyway. 

now onto other news, Mass effect is due for release and all the little SFM creators are pumping out there content in droves, But I wonder if I should do some also..... 

So what I was thinking was doing some short GIF's on the side of the main production as I do have to keep up with the times, 

Or do you feel maybe I should do something totally different?!

Not really sure so would like some of your guys input. feel free to comment or direct message me :)



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