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Rocking a sloppy cold and coughing a lot, must of picked it up from Larping at Empire so no stream tonight.

I'm sure coughing down the mic does not sound good so I wont put you through that.

Will see how I feel tomorrow but now promises, I would like to stream the Ashley and leon commission ideally, but if I cannot I cannot.

Much love,




"Caught a cold while Larping and can't come to work." Yeah...I'm mentally filing that away as a future excuse to tell my boss. ...and they'd totally believe it too. :D


Went to the cinema today and coughed all the way through, and that was went I wasn't speaking. Plus patreon is my only real boss and they don't care!

Sera Faye

All that Elsa content must’ve gave you the sniffles j/k🤣. Feel better Firebox. 🍵❤️🤍