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Last in the commission line for this set with some soft smooches with some G-spot massaging. 

Little update, Had a weird ass infection over the past couple of weeks that's taken it out of me, won't go to much into it but yay for amoxicillin!

Getting back into the swing of things and finishing Widowmaker rig off. 

Much loves,





Wait is "Fireboxstudios" a single person?


Well since my mocap gal bailed on me, technically yes! all images and animations done by one. would love more people but you gotta pay them.......


You had a lady do motion capture?? I wonder how that worked haha. Hell I'd work with you for free if I knew what I was doing lol , I've always wanted to make animations


Woaw, just incredible!


I own the motion capture equipment but I ain't no lady, had a woman do some stuff for the animations but she had decided to bugger off last minute right at the start of the current animation. i'll figure something out.

Dustin S

Idk what it is but I think this Aerith looks better then the other ones.


Not sure as it's the same model! Might be me improving my technique using her. So thank you haha.


Wrap that rascal. Wait....what? j/k :P :D

Martin Tepper

Oh no, ass infections are no fun, get well soon!