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Okay WOW yeah.... Stressful would be an understatement.

Computer SSD dies, MEGA ban's me, unable too log into backups, loose phone so unable too get access too bank or patreon as two factor authentications etc etc. 

I have managed too save portions of work and certain bits but I have also lost A LOT of models/characters/scenes. 

I will be adjusting the Mega archive too a Dropbox one and if anyone knows a lewd friendly upload place please say in the comments below. I have already made USB backups off the mega folder and animations so there safe. 

I think you may just have too bare with me for a little till I get back into the groove of things, as this is a annoying but enlightening series of events that made me realise how much I actually depend of tech working together. 

At a drop of a hat it can crumble and cause many problems.......... 

As a backup and benefit now I think I will be uploading models and scenes too smutba.se so others can use the models along with having a basic backup managed externally and benefits the community. 

I have a phone with my old number so can get back into everything now and repaired the PC, but will be making content ASAP as I have a commitment to you all. 

Thank you all so much for your love and support, I have had quite a few emails and messages through discord doing there part too help me and very happy your still apart of the Fapper crew. 

Much love,





The biggest oof

Dario Baldini

Keep going strong Director!

Anhtu Nguyen

You can use a company like Drive Savers to recover your SSD. Pricey but if they can’t do it, free others can. Good luck.


I think I ended up downloading everything from mega so anything you need that was maybe corrupted or unupdated from what you had backed up let me know !


What matters is that you are pushing through it. It is a shame what happened but we all wish you the best! Take as much time as ya need to fix what you can.


I don't know how Google Drive feels about lewd material, but that's an option Not to promote them or anything, but DIY Perks (on YouTube) has made a video about a 1 click data backup button that prevents crypto lockers and PSU defects from reaching the drive and compromising precious data, if you're willing to go that route in order to keep your data safe


this is why I backup my data in HDD not SSD


And this ladies and gentlemen is why you should always back up your data. But I hope you get everything sorted! Stay safe too <3


Sorry to hear this buddy!!!


*checks own Mega account* Nope, no ban hammer......yet. As for alternatives, there aren't many free-ish ones that are pr0n friendly...and those that are (or (do) don't state as such) ain't cheap.


I actually managed too download the $1 folder and animations before the ban, it must of triggered the bots too come hunting for my precious bytes.


I was paying for Mega anyway as I had other work on there. do you know any options? I would rather pay and know there porn friendly.


Best I can suggest is Resilio Sync (former Bittorrent Sync). They can't really ban you from that. Several artists have used it in the past. There are fairly obvious downsides to it though, of course.


So you're telling me, Mega, who hosts actual illegal stuff, has a problem with totally legal porn? Looks like I'm taking my stuff and deleting my account. Not cool. I've had no issue with Dropbox yet.


What models did you lose?


I sub to a couple of other creators, and they've had problems with Mega as well.


For a paid option maybe backblaze either as the standard service to keep a realtime backup of your system or the B2 service for hosting. i've used the personal service for a few years and the $6 usd per month for unlimited one computer backup has saved me a few times from file loss due to hard drives craping out.

Forbidden Account

Some of the other creators are using google drive now. I heard that can be used more privately

Didi Solomon

So sorry to hear that! Totally sucks! And we thought Mega was supposed to be smut friendly! :/ We've used DropBox for our stuff behind passwords that we change every month. So far, that's worked fine.


Oof, sucks ass to hear that. Take your time to get everything back together.


Whts going in with mega?!

The Duke

Hard out here for a lewder. Don't know why modern Mega so lame when it was originally some free speech absolutist


Bro this must have been super stressful glad u bounced bacc stronger that ever