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Before you jump for joy she isn't being added to the roster I was testing the updated extraction software and thought I would share the outcome. 

Also to question the idea of 'Should this be used?' as it is for breast cancer research.

No right or wrong answer was just curious to what people thought about it.

The skin is FANTASTIC and definitely one of my favourites of Mercy.  




I think yes, i donated to that cause, and we are not doing anything bad.


I love the skin also but personally I'd vote no. Theoretically you'd be profiting from something created for charity. Out of respect for that I wouldn't use her.


I would submit that I don't think that this skin was created a HUNDRED percent with breast cancer awareness in mind? Remember that tagline "Save the tits" however long ago? It was supposedly for the sake of breast cancer awareness or whatever, but there was an awful lot of sexualizing of said tits considering the context of it.


My way of looking at this. Make her nude and make pin-ups, show her in a womanly, soft erotic way cool. Make her a slut? No go.


I'd say the pig tails are a major part of the draw. They already donated over 10m to charity from that skin, it's no different from using any other skin. Use it. Make it an official poll imo, not too many people comment.


wow)) she’s nice)


I second the official poll. But yeah, I'd say it should be used, and slut it up however you want. To hold back would essentially be saying that porn is evil/bad, which it isn't. And it would probably inspire more people to buy the skin ^^


Please use it <3 I don't think that hurts its good cause, it just raises the skins popularity even more which is good.


If you decide to use this skin but don't make some pictures with her examining the breasts of all the other girls I am going to be so disappointed.

Just Passin By

I vote to use it. Other artists are acknowledging the reason why the costume was made and let their patrons know, but they use it. If anything, might bring more attention to the cause. 😀


Let's be honest here. I didn't buy the skin to desperately donate to a good cause but because I like the skin. Donation is a bonus. If Blizzard would give you nothing and just asked money for a good cause, less people would donate for sure. And moralizing if use this skin for cg porn? I don't know why is this even a question.


Eh I don't think making or enjoying pink Mercy lewds means that you're disrespecting the charity or cause that it was made for. And speaking for myself here, I absolutely wouldn't have spent fifteen full dollars on a single skin if it wasn't going to charity. I'm probably gonna still use her sexy witch outfit most of the time anyway too.




I'd love if you used this skin... and about that cancer charity... I think you'd be only helping it... Firebox style... xd


Another artist that used the skin in this months bundle just donated a part of her earnings to the charity and gave away a few skins