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Thank you all who have supported me not just in this month but the many months before.

This month has been the strangest one of all as many are aware of whats happened in the past few weeks in regards to personal matters. I want to say thank you for sticking through and being there too.

Internet should be online hopefully this week sometime and it wont be such a hassle to get content too you.

I have big plans for evening streams and can't wait to show off the new motion capture gear thats been bought and on its way. 

Many wheels are turning at the same time and I thank you for your patience.

So I give to you a cum swapping Pharmercy ^_^

Much love,





Glad to be here and glad thing are getting better. Also love me so Pharmacy 😍


Really looking forward to those evening streams :D Love the image too! I guess the attatchment feature is still not working.


Cant seem to attach on mobile, when the internet is back working will attach them and also update the google drive too.


Sure buddy. *hugs* <3


Here's hoping for only good things ahead! :-) ...and Pharmercy content is always welcome ;-)