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Going to try and log this character build a little more, already done the material set ups to an extent so is just going through the slow process of throwing polys about until it looks right. 

The moulding between the lower suit and nude is completed and will be very smooth animating wise.

Needs the pussy transplant yet but doesn't take long at all, now the upper section is going to be tricky and not quite sure how to do it yet. 

I have either got to make up a brand new section of my own design or try and follow the design left by the blizzard art team. 

Will update you as I go along but I really do enjoy modding characters, its like a massive puzzle you got to solve. 





Maybe the transplant is easier to animate, I dont know what the controls look like compared to eachother. I guess it is your own rig. But I have to mention that the current one looks miles better in my opinion. I know it's not realistic, but I don't think thats the point either. Everything about these characters are very idealised. I hope you wont change current characters like widowmaker or mercy, but again it's just my opinion. Anyway, this looks great ^_^


Can leave it the same as the others as they are apart of the same universe and suppose makes scene, bonus less work for me! xD


Maybe you could extend the black/gold leather section and put an Uprising logo of some kind?


see it sounds simple to just say "extend it" but in reality that can be a few hours work to get right. So im see what I can do first, saying this I was thinking exactly what you were thinking. might have to spend a night in photoshop re colouring it lol.