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A bucket load of new skins and dat Widowmaker skin is just a big old bag of yum. 

Check out that video!


Overwatch - ALL BLIZZARD WORLD SKINS COMING EARLY 2018 SO FAR! (Overwatch Blizzard World Skins)

Overwatch - ALL BLIZZARD WORLD SKINS COMING EARLY 2018 SO FAR! (Overwatch Blizzard World Skins) GEAR: For 10% Off Use Code "FANTASTICAL" https://goo.gl/Lb84Da TRENDING: https://goo.gl/ui6Jgz Social Media: Twitter: https://goo.gl/IyjUr9 Instagram: https://goo.gl/a6u4bX Facebook: http://goo.gl/8tqZIR Mailing Address: Attn: Sam FantasticalGames LLC P.O. Box #84 Phillipsburg, New Jersey 08865 United States of America FantasticalGamer operates under FantasticalGames LLC.



That Widowmaker skin is breathtaking! I need to have it xD Im looking forward to the inevitable lewd versions of it aswell haha


I do like the widowermaker skin but im not 100% interested yet. Id prefer it if she had brunette hair instead. It is great to see another skin where her skin as human skin and not blue. That being said I'll never forgive myself for never getting the bikini widowmaker skin or the talon one. Lastly we didn't get a view a widow's perfect ass either. Shame it's not a skimpy outfit. Also i just saw the trailer for that new character moira. She doesn't come across to me as anything new. Her abilities look like something that we already have in game. She also doesn't look hot, so seeing her in sfm wont be something that im interested in seeing. Lastly she's purple and we already have a character who is purple aka sombra so they could of given her a different colour. This new character was totally unexpected. Both this new skin and this new character are 2 things that im not sure if i like yet time will tell. we probably won't see any new skins from widow any time soon after this one is released that's for sure.


Moira I think will go down the more freaky end of the porn world in my opinion, she will find her place but she ma fall into the same realm as Doomfist. the next event will be xmas so there may still be a widowmaker skin yet to come :).


I hope we get a widowermaker xmas skin. The thing is cus we've had so many new widowermaker skins I dunno if we'll get a xmas skin. And if we do get a xmas skin it probably won't be something u can use all year round cus it might end up being like tracers xmas skin. Is there anyway of getting the talon and bikini skins now? What if i contact and pay blizzard?