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Its Mercy's turn! had a quick crack at doing this one in the morning to mix it up from the animating last night. 

Sadly the recording program I use cut out half way so you missed the start. will have to make it up to you guys somehow. 

Have to excuse the totally lame timing on the logo, yeah they wont be there on the website so dont worry.

Can I get a shout out from my Mercy mains here! xD



(No title)



I really like how they look, but I wonder how they'd look with just a flat black background

Mr Funkay

Love these


These are great ^_^ I like this pose, how her wings fill the screen as much as possible :)


Thank you, these are so easy to push out as there single character poses and lighting. Just hope the software doesn't die with dva next. Then the non overwatch chars


When will your hot website be up?!!


As soon as humanly possible really. Huge amount of artwork to do yet. But this is why the spare hour before bed or in the morning I can crack out images like this. They dont take long and keeps me motivated too :)