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Hello and firstly thank you for making it to the end of the month, also want to thank you for your support and continued engagement. 

• Managed to get most of the issues and problems out the way also all commissions have been completed which is great so they wont carry on to next month. 

• Background work on Firebox development is underway of the intro video that will go on the front page is in the story boarding stage. 

• Website is taking shape to be a central hub for all work posted, basically the Firebox wank vault. 

• Completed Winged Victory Mercy within the summer games window. 

• Director character completed awaiting rigging. 

• Sombra model chosen as new Overwatch character + room prepped for scene. 

• New tentacles from Likkezg bought and paid for (in new DVa render if you didn't notice).

Will posts some tier adjustments in the next few days, feel some things need to be moved round, don't panic no price changes and you will be gaining content.

That's pretty much it for this month, been a very productive month and wish to keep the energy flowing, also from next week got 2 weeks off from normal job!! which mean its going to give me some extra time to put in Firebox.

Thank you all and cant wait to get started in the new month :D


(Pic is a random meme not me xD)




Productive indeed, loads of content. It's a plesure to support you ^_^ Besides making high quality content, you make detailed updates and talk to your patrons very regularly. I think most of us really appreciate that. Two weeks off, must be nice to relax a bit and catch up with social life :D


Social life! whats one of them xD going to be spent doing development on Firebox I think. gives me some much needed catch up time.