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Hey Fappers,

Working on the GIF and was meant to be filming a hows its made but spent the last 2 hours trying to figure out a issue in blender's non linear action editor (yes It sounds clever but doesn't make me clever).

So basically its splitting the animation rather than layering, having to break down the animation into its base animation nodes and do it the old skool way.

its less practical in the long run but least it will be done. will hopefully get chance to film some footage tonight though. 





Hopefully it does not happen with future gifs, im guessing it eats up precious time. Anyhow, will be fun to see the how its made no matter when it shows up ^_^


Slows it down by quite a bit actually and you feel it mainly in the last polish phase. see how its goes. I know blender just released the RC2 of blender 2.79 so they might of patched it.


Is it possible for us to get footage of you performing the animations because I mean it would be really funny just seeing someone in a full mocap suit grinding against something I guess I never really thought about how these animations are really made I'm sorry I'm bawling over here I'm just dying of laughter cuz I never really thought about it until now


At current the animations are not done with a motion capture suit but manually using keyframe animation techniques. eventually the suits will be bought and used by either actors or mates who fancy a couple of $ and perform with there clothes on.