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This is my thoughts and what I learnt from playing something for the first time baring in mind I've been living and breathing the porn of it for best part of 5-6 months (as a creator).

My initial reaction to the game released was its TF2 but made blizzard pretty, Blizzard and make a turd pretty but I know I suck at competitive games as I don't have the time or bothered enough to "Get Gud".

The animations and voices in the game whilst playing it instantly got my attention and actually really enjoyed myself.

Seem to end up playing Mercy as everyone was damn DPS (I hear this is a common problem). But I actually tried to play as D.Va for a bit and the game is quite challenging.

Now obviously I've spent an hour playing the game and from the looks of it I was paired with similar people, but there level of skill was better than mine. Normally I get bored and go to a story game but found it a very decent play. 

What I have learnt from this is the mannerisms of the characters more, this can be implemented into my animations, also the movement of clothes and stupid things what I didn't know, like Mercy has a right way op on her staff and I bet if I go back to my other pictures I made I wont be able to un see it!

Also set pieces as well and general environmental conditions and lighting, a whole host of information and little details which can be used.

Rather annoyed I didn't do this earlier but live and learn.

Well that's my two cents and hopefully be doing a GIF update tonight. 





So.... 1v1?


It seems from this post and yesterday's that you had pre-biased disposition toward the game. 🙁


If you haven't already, I recommend watching the Overwatch Cinematics on YouTube, my personal favourite is the Widowmaker one which includes Tracer. They're very well made and just help you get to know the characters that little bit more


Nice choice of update image there ;) And I agree with Kydagi, watching those chinematics is helpful with almost everything to be honest. Glad you enjoyed the game aswell.


I've had to watch some videos to get a rough idea about characters, and im linked to several Facebook groups too and I think you are right I have developed a biased opinion. hard not to do though I guess.


Yes I have seen them and there awesome! im a massive fan of blizzard cinematic animations in general. my fav is Bastion.


i had no idea you hadnt played it yet. Now you can enjoy the inside jokes


I know funny right, started this out wanting to make porn and this type was really kicking off. So thought why not give it a shot haha.

