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Nice change of pace for Lara with a selfie, kinda mix of DVA i'm getting from this one. 

Was fun and also more time consuming than realised, saying that I went to the gym today and knackered myself out, eating far to many pies as of recent. 

Coming to the end of the commissions for this one happy chappy, Mino and Overwatch next after this.


Reference image :


Large image:




Also is anyone knows how to turn off the need of the key that would be awesome. 




I know that you can (right click on file, get link, then link with key) so it decrypts automatically. Other option is to do what ellowas does. When you click on "downloads" it simpy decrypts his entire mega. You see all his folders named and organized, and you download what you want. Check it out for yourself, says downloads on the left side of his tumblr ^_^


Thats a fun pose indeed, looks like shes having a good time :D


Reference image artist. <a href="https://www.pixiv.net/member_illust.php?mode=medium&amp;illust_id=28042368" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://www.pixiv.net/member_illust.php?mode=medium&amp;illust_id=28042368</a>


I imagine for some reason somone is saying to lara do it for the vine


Thank you, im so happy you know who these people are. Im just handed a image to work off xD