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 Okay so put the comp on render today and went to work, came back to find the CPU did its usual song and dance and crashed....at frame 4. 

The dilemma I have now is that all the new processors are coming out like next month and the prices will drop on all current gear, but it might be a case of how much do i want to potentially loose $300-$500 as its a pretty much full build apart from GPU's, power and case. 

I've baby sat it tonight whilst rendering and current frame 18 at 3:52 per frame which is great! average it at 4 mins per frame 4x359 /60 =23.93 so still under 24 hour mark. 

Will post a how its made lite tomorrow (might do a video for the $5 as a thank you for waiting) as I dare no touch the PC in case it decides to commit suicide on me. 

I will be slaughtering many cheese sandwiches to the CPU gods tonight to keep it working and I urge you to do the same. 





Never use any of AMD or Radeon products the pieces of s***been using Nvidia and Intel with no issues for three years


<a href="https://i.imgflip.com/1qu52a.jpg" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://i.imgflip.com/1qu52a.jpg</a> Im not surprised, hopefully it pulls through this time ^_^


Tried to save some cash a few years previous to this adventure and now seriously regretting my impatience. They are hulking pieces of crap, whats left will be on ebay in seconds after purchasing new gear.


The only advantage an AMD CPU gives is that you don't need a radiator, that shit could heat up a concert hall.