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Just a quick one, had some messages private and public with people being worried about the last post and recent events. 

Firebox is very fluid in direction and will not and will never focus solely on one area as theirs many people that enjoy many things. 

The polls and recent characters are predominantly for commissions which are bought and paid for by yourself. 

All the GIFs coming up are there ideas and not Firebox's. 

What us as Firebox want to do is episodic 2 minute shorts or pure sexiness with a minor amount to nill story. 

The upcoming series I want to start is a Lara Croft and Harley Quinn scene which is purely a lesbian scene and no monsters. 

How this would work is episode 1 of Lara and Harley scene would be made and then after completion another franchise would have its episode 1 too (example Samus and Jack Sparrow).

If the first one was well received then episode 2 would be made and so on until I feel its had its day and ended.  

So PLEASE i beg you do not be put off by polls of things which are out of the normal. this is a fraction of the whole picture. 

Any questions please talk to me to help clear it up, this is made for you and I want you to be happy with us, more importantly to tell us when your not happy and why. 

okay I hope this is alright for everyone and helps clear it up.

Much love,




Personally I get this completely :) But I can understand how someone who is mostly used to vanilla stuff might be a little spooked by all these tentacles/monster stuff recently, aswell as peoples suggestions in the poll. As our good director says, It just means adding more options for peoples commissions, a bigger arsenal to put it another way ^_^


Adds more variety and the problem that I will always face is I cant please everyone, But the idea of lets say focusing on just one thing like Asari lesbian porn is going to get old quick. so open up new avenues and you never know you might even find a new kink ;D