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Been long over due and got a few days off work so Im going to wipe my main hard drive as its been about 2 years since last done. 

Along with the Cpu fails theres a new problem in the neighborhood, widows explorer crashes! happens about 3-4 times I got one the pc and lasts about 30 seconds, don't sound like a long time but oh man every day it grinds my gears. 

Back up done now just got to wait for windows 10 to download to the usb and will wipe tomorrow morning if all goes well. 

Looking at saving up some cash and going balls deep into i9 teriitory when there released, going to be best part of $4000 after chip, motherboard, m2, ssd's and ram bought... expensive day is coming. 



I tend to do it a couple of times a year, gets rid of all kinds of problems that appair over time. I imagine moths flying out of your wallet when the rig is finally completed xD You also need two more cards right? Or did you decide to stick with 2 gpus.