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Congratulations Morrigan! 

Please contact me within 72 hours to claim your prize or we will re roll the raffle. 


Okay i'm sure you guys are aware of the large amount of images this month and not a lots of GIF's, this has been on purpose as now I am image free and can do developments diary on the GIF's as I make them.

The images were getting in the way and a rather large distraction, the commissions I didn't mind so much but i'm mainly here to do footage.

So this month is total focus on GIF's to bring that down to a respectable level and im more blow away with the peoples patience who have already paid, who I got to say you guys are just the best people (you know who you are).

Couple of things have changed in the $5 and $15 reward tiers just to make them a bit more fair, so please look at your tier when you get chance. 

Currently after friends stag due last week ive developed a cold and a chest infection which is freaking awesome...not. 

But soldiering on none the less. 

Tonight is working on the tentacle scene with DVA and Mercy, taking to long to complete this one which I do apologize for but really hitting these GIF's hard now as I want you to enjoy them and get onto other projects. 

Any questions problems or issues please contact me through the message service or comment below. 

Best Regards,





Sounds painful :/ hopefully it goes away soon. Personally I dont mind the image/gif ratio, I appreciate it all for what it is, great high quality content that you spend valuable time on making ^_^


Thank you, gifs do need a higher priority than what they been getting. Problem when theres only one animator and thats me haha.


Am I so lucky?(yeah~)