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Greetings Fappers and friends! Okay... so here is the plan.

Commissions are COMPLETE! all done and dusted and nothing more left on that list. So what this does mean is the overall focus can be shifted to what I want to make.

The Elsa animation is currently on a test render to trial out Blender 4.2 new features that help speed up rendering.

I will be rendering out what I have done with some funky angles, I am not going to have a c*mshot on this one as I am learning some new techniques for liquids, and this scene is quite busy as is.

The render PC will now be set up to start tackling the taste of rendering, obviously there is waits for audio from other artists and corrections, footage editing/colour grading and then pushing it out to people. it is a process but I am familiar with it.

I DO aim to push out images when I can, currently aiming at least once a week and ideally more, I obviously still have my business to business commitments with the 3 Vtubers I work with - Projekt Melody - Silvervale - El_XOX. but I can be flexible with them and they are cool enough peeps to give me some grace.

I want to bring back the community image for the $15 tier, so maybe the more obscure characters get a chance.

I would love to do some modern and new characters, but also remember your favourites, obviously will not be able to please everyone but dammit I will give it my best go.

Thank you for your patience, I'm super excited to see what you think of my upcoming ideas and look forward to your reactions ^_^.

Happy Fapping!





*shakes fist at pc is mock anger*. Render FASTER you son of a…!


New blender 4.2 and a clever fucker off YouTube I've crushed the render time. Man... I'm so glad I live in the age of YouTube, has made life so much easier!

Matt L

I didn't realize you worked with Projekt Melody, that's neat!


Been working with her for a little bit now, I do a chunk of her image sets. Even a lurker patron ☺️