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Now shes not quite fully upgraded yet, needs skin shader working on a bit more and her face hasn't been weight painted yet. 

Now....THE BIG PROBLEM, I use an add on for rigging my models which saves me the best part of 4 days worth of rigging to get it to this level, now the problem is that the updated version doesn't work well with real scale models. 

What this means is that I can only rig her to a large size so her playing with any of the previous ladies is a no no as shes best part of 5 meters tall. 

All subsequent models male or female will be made to the bases of 2B's height. 

Massive pain in the dick but thank fully the standard male i've been using is of a different rig type and can be scaled without it turning into a car crash. 

Anyway here she is! the first community poll character.




Shame about the rig size, can't wait to see some 2B action though.


More of an annoying chor as its totally in my power to sort out, I could in theory get all the other characters sorted in under a week, but I loose a weeks worth of animating and things on the ever growing list.




BLESS 2B is literally the direction you should be going. Or where Id love to see it go 😏 Looking forward to the releases 😍😍😍


Wow!!! Can't wait to see what's in store for her!!


Thank you, shes going to be a hard character to work with as most of her emotional areas are bloody covered up lol


Nice :) can't wait to see what you do with her.


little bit more work on her before she will take the stage properly, but she will be a good one :D


Alright, well I guess I'll put my "Giant 2B and tiny other characters" request on the back burner u_u.


Well now , thats pretty damn hot if you ask me :D She looks great, good luck with the remaining work ^_^


Thank you, not a huge amount left to do thankfully, her face rigging is just her mouth really. got to sort out those textures that came with the model as its missing its normal maps and the set up i personally think is wrong.

VR AnimeTed

Hello Hello. Woooo, dat ass! Lol, she's a lot of fun to work with. One of the best models I've seen recently. Enjoy and can't wait to see what you come up with for her!